Trust Wallet Guide

Learn how you can buy Promise Tokens on PancakeSwap with your Trust Wallet

  1. Download the TrustWallet App.

  2. Purchase BNB on BSC Network using TrustWallet.

  3. Go to the & click "Connect Wallet".

  4. Choose "WalletConnect" and select "Trust".

  5. Confirm Wallet Connection in your Trust Wallet App.

  6. In the "From" Box select BSC. In the "To" Box click "Select currency" and input the Promise Token Contract Address.

  7. Click the Settings Icon, set the slippage tolerance to 11-12%, and close that box.

  8. Set the amount you wish to buy in the "From" box, and press the "Swap" button.

  9. Confirm the Swap and HODL Your PROMISE.

Last updated